Friday, March 01, 2024

Gilla Band Bring Post Punk Perfection To Nottingham

Irish noise rock quartet Gilla Band gave Nottingham a night full of their experimental post-punk sounds making The Bodega shake with clamour. Gilla Band, founded in Dublin in 2011, have been releasing groundbreaking, menacing, and enchanting records for over a decade and there is no stopping this band that continue to make fascinating yet eery songs full on tension and stories.

Starting the night off marvellously is French band The Psychotic Monks, a 4-piece glam punk band that entice every audience member into their intriguing sound and stage-presence. The passion exuberated off every member as they performed their joyous yet slightly chilling music.

As soon as Gilla Band started making their recognisable, bass heavy sounds, the crowd was electrified and hooked into the groups suspenseful setlist. The alarming start of their track ‘Laggard’ made the audience bounce and mosh in preparation for the heavy chorus full to the brim with scratchy bass, clattering guitar, intense drums and gravely vocals.

Gilla Band released their most recent album ‘Most Normal’ back in 2022 and fans were thriving when they heard tracks from this album live. One of the most punchy and high intensity moments of the gig was during ‘Bin Liner Fashion’. Bassist Daniel Fox blossomed in this track as he controlled the ever-changing bass riffs and formed the foundation for the whole song. Throughout the performance, the bass was a heavy constant that was performed beyond faultlessly.

Vocalist Dara Kiely’s ability to hold notes and sound in tune perfectly was incredibly impressive, making it hard to spot any differences between the recording of a song and the live performance. This was strengthened during the impeccable post-punk bop ‘Backwash’. A song which allows you to hear every element of the band despite the chaos that they all make together in the midst. Drummer Adam Faulkner provided the backbone of this song making a beat that makes your heart go faster with excitement and uncertainty to how the song will unfold next. Which is increased with guitarist Alan Duggan playing in to the amps tumultuously creating an atmosphere charged with electrifying riffs and notes.

A highlight of the gig was their perfect finale track where every gig-goer was singing (or shouting) along to the lyrics ‘‘Shit clothes, shit clothes’’ which was an immense ending to an already insane performance. There were mosh pits, crowd surfers and beers thrown, making it a very traditional setlist closing environment. Gilla Band have never lost their powers to make ever-expanding new sounds with their music they create which is exemplified in their live shows that every post-punk, noise rock fan should see live.

Alice Mason

@alicemxson// @alicegoestogigs

Image: ‘Most Normal’ Official Album Cover

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