Tuesday, October 04, 2022

ELIZA's New Album 'A Sky Without Stars' Is Just As Hypnotic As It Sounds

ELIZA, formerly known as Eliza Doolittle, has released her second album, ‘A Sky Without Stars’ and it couldn’t have come at a better time. This album is the perfect accumulation for what we all need during the colder months ahead – music to get us in our feels.

The singer’s name may ring a bell, and that’s because she shot to fame back in 2010 with the song ‘Pack Up’. A few years ago, however, ELIZA had a complete artistic transformation, and did an undivided flip with her sound. She seamlessly transitioned from pop to R&B with the release of her first album under the new name, ‘A Real Romantic’ back in 2018, but this album is far more mellow, yet doesn’t lack edge.

Coming from a musical background, it’s unsurprising how much success ELIZA has garnered over the years, and it’s safe to say this new era of hers suits her far better. The singer, 34, said in an interview with The Luna Collective recently that, “The album’s title is a thinly veiled reference to pollution and how climate change prevents us from seeing the stars – preventing us from enjoying what’s in front of us as we navigate a time where we’re inundated with an onslaught of overstimulation and misinformation”.

A Sky Without Stars’ was released on September 16th, following the release of just a few of the songs from the album like, ‘Straight Talker’ and ‘Everywhere I’ll Ever Be’. ELIZA said in an Instagram post that the process of making this new album with Finlay Robson contained, “A lot of self-reflection, perspective shifts, tears, confrontation, rebellion, but more than anything, love”. 

The album feels like ELIZA is holding a mirror, examining herself, then sharing that intimate experience with listeners, with lyrics like “There’s no way I could go back / and see things the way I did / what the hell was I doing?” (‘Heat of the Moon’) and “The only enemy I’m facin’ / Is the time that I’ve been wastin’” (‘ME vs ME’). During the pandemic, I’m sure many listeners can relate to that level of self-reflection that this album addresses.

Every song on the track list contains accenting basslines that puts listeners in a trance, quite the opposite of her music that shot her to fame over a decade ago.Gone are the days of her quirky pop hits in order to make room for these soulful songs. There are few times when an artist undergoes a complete aesthetic transformation and it actually succeeds: ELIZA is one of those few. 

In each of the ten songs on the album, it’s hard to pick a favourite since they all emanate the same sense of hypnosis. All of the songs have a specific groove that immediately seems to bring a sense of relaxation. ELIZA is set to embark on ‘A Sky Without Stars’ European tour in February 2023!

Sienna Norris


Image: 'A Sky Without Stars' Official Album Cover

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