Saturday, March 09, 2024

Flashbacks and Fishing Lines: Robbie Rapids Releases The Nostalgic ‘Fishing The River’

Robbie Rapids has a unique talent for crafting evocative, imagery-laden music that leads listeners to exactly where he wants them to be. His flawless songwriting and artistry shine through once more in his latest single ‘Fishing The River,’ serving a poignant ode to nostalgia, whisking listeners back to Robbie’s teenage years spent casting lines and reeling in fish with his cousins in Michigan. 

Robbie Rapids, a singer and guitarist has now made Atlanta his home. Robbie’s repertoire spans across the various subgenres of rock music. There is a southern twang to his style and a real blues feeling. 

Commencing with a retro, undulating sound effect reminiscent of the days gone by, ‘Fishing The River’ ignites a vintage ambience, serving as a nostalgic time capsule transporting listeners to fishing in Michigan. This introduction swiftly merges with a burst of sound, marked by a captivating harmonica melody and an impressive guitar arrangement, all underpinned by powerful drumming that is consistent throughout ‘Fishing The River’.

The tempo throughout the track is swift and compliments Robbie’s vocals, a subtle yet obvious country twang to his voice brings the track together. The lyrics are honest and automatic, they act as a genuine recount of how he felt during this period, speaking from the heart and making the listener live the emotions, this is perfectly captured in “It’s gobbled up my bait again, I’m starting to get pissed”.

Using a lively tempo and simplistic, yet lush instrumentals, ‘Fishing The River’ undeniably emerges as a country-rock anthem Robbie Rapids skillfully weaves a distinctive, vivid portrayal of his youth.

Ana Joy King


Image: ‘Fishing The River’ Official Single Cover

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