Friday, September 10, 2021

Tigera continue to deliver with new EP, ‘Part II’

‘Part II’ is the new striking EP from Milwaukee-based Tigera, their latest EP release since ‘Part I’ in 2020. With ‘Part II,' Tigera brings listeners three new songs, a continuation from the first release by the pop-rock quintet made up of Ben Koshick, Alex James, Erik Summers, Dale Smart, and frontman Devon Huckstep.

‘Holographic’ kicks off the EP and their strong pop-rock sound with layers of electric guitar, powerful drums, and solid vocals. Throughout the track, they show such control of their instruments with impressive guitar riffs, particularly around the bridge two and a half minutes in. 

A thick chorus of voices chimes in towards the end with “you’re surrounded/by hills and mountains," physically surrounding the listener and fully immersing you in the track.


‘Down to Business’ takes over with another immediately catchy guitar riff before leading into the narrative of the track. Listeners might not expect the content of this song, but with lyrics like “belt strung low to hide your taser” and “they’re lurking so suspicious," there’s the suggestion that this track references the police.

Around the 3 minute mark, the bridge strips down the instruments as Huckstep repeats his warning, “be careful keep your guard up/there’s someone in the corner." The repetition of these lines paired with the slow build and return of the instruments feels as though this warning is being drilled into the listeners and the people in the track’s story. The final chorus hits especially hard before leading into the final track.


‘Moment Maker’ closes the EP and is the perfect bow to tie this EP together, starting with laid-back, groovy guitar and softer vocals before the tone switches up and kicks into the pre-chorus. Providing a more positive outlook on life, Huckstep sings, “things are looking up, not how you thought they would/but things are looking up all the same," giving the listeners an upbeat moment to end on. The track crescendos to an emotional chorus that would be perfect at a turning point in a coming-of-age film, reflected in relatable lyrics like, “I see you from a distance and/I’m too scared to give you a love note."


Tigera’s latest EP is a cohesive collection of tracks that beg to be performed live and would certainly get a crowd buzzing. The EP leaves listeners wanting more from the band, and I’d love to see what an album could look like from them in the future!

Robyn Hill


Image: ‘Part II’ Official EP Cover Art


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