Friday, August 27, 2021

Miles Kane’s latest single definitely won’t let you down

Miles Kane releases his latest single, ‘Don’t Let It Get You Down’ alongside news of an upcoming album. ‘Change The Show’ will be Kane’s fourth album, and first solo release since ‘Coup de Grace’ in 2018.

Kane’s latest track shows off what he does best in his solo career and creates a mix of vintage 70’s sounds with a modern twist through groovy guitar riffs, interesting vocal effects, and a classic sax.


The accompanying music video, directed by James Kelly, stars Kane alongside actor Jimmi Simpson. Mirroring the track itself, the video is a swaggering scene that shows Kane and Simpson dancing in front of mirrors and spotlights in smart suits, something that could have come straight out of an old James Bond film. 

Kane dances and plays guitar with a suave confidence as he sings, “a matinée’s about to start and/I’m gonna play the leading part”, possibly alluding to reigniting his solo career to take centre stage and “play the leading part”.


The repetition of ‘don’t let it/don’t let it get ya down’ throughout the track coupled with the deep red of the music video becomes almost hypnotic to listeners. This comes back towards the end of the song, quieter than before but closer and in a more intimate sense, as the other instruments swell, Kane’s vocals allow listeners to drift away and ponder their own inner self in the way Kane battles with his through the mirror in the music video. Around the 3 minute mark, drums provide a break and a change of mood, before the familiar layered harmonies slide back in next to the sax.


Kane revealed the track list for his upcoming album on Twitter, with this latest tune sitting second in the running order. ‘Don’t Let It Get You Down’ is the perfect lead single to generate hype in time for ‘Change The Show’, coming 21st January 2022.



Robyn Hill

Twitter- @robyynnhill

Image: ‘Don’t Let It Get You Down’ Official Single Cover Art


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