Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Chatting with Delcan Welsh And The Decadent West

Scottish indie-rock gods, Declan Welsh and the Decadent West are back and better than ever with their lockdown-fuelled anthem 'Another One'. The four piece are known for their disco-rock infused and impressive sonic feats and are set to forefront the Scottish indie movement.

With the announcement of an Autumn EP release in the works, we chatted to the lads to find out more!

Thank you for taking the time to talk to us, and congratulations on the single launch! What’s it been like, releasing something new during a pandemic? 

No problem at all. Aye its been fine. Strange one obviously, but we've been sat on the songs a wee bit so good to get them out there. We all really love Another One. Musically its a development and im pleased w the lyrics. 

Was it important to you all to write something that addressed the experience we’ve just been through?

I wouldn't say important, but its what ive been living so its what came naturally to write about. Write what you know and that. I probably thought it was important to include the hopeful outro bit, almost as much of a message to myself as anything else. It will get better, we'll be back to normality again. 

Has the experience of being apart for so long had an impact on how the band works or what you want to do together next? 

Well, during the wee spells where its been lifted we've been in the studio. We recorded this EP end of last year too. And were all close pals so we've seen each other a lot. It was a challenge but its not like we've not been able to speak or send tunes or that. Ive been sat writing for album 2 the whole of lockdown and im sending the guys all the tunes. 

Music has been a comfort for so many through this strange time. What songs have kept you all going through the tough days? 

I got really into al green and stevie wonder at the start. Tired of being alone playing while i was masked up walking through a ghost town of glasgow made me feel like i was in a film, so we can go for that. People have got me through lockdown though, not tunes. 

You’re often described as a storyteller and poet - is it important to you to take your fans on a journey in your music? 

I think the poet thing probs has to get dropped soon haha. Ive not done any poetry in years. Its a compliment to my songwriting though aye, and thats nice. But to be honest with you some people are gonna like my tunes and some people aren't. Im trying my best to shut out what folk think and just make stuff i love. Thats all you can do otherwise you end up doing a bad cover version of your own act. I write how i do because the people i like tell stories, and i really like that in their songs. So i guess i just want to be like the artists i admire. 

It’s been said that your music is for ‘people who like to have fun’. Sounds like the perfect soundtrack to our summer! Which of your tracks would you recommend for someone who is yet to discover the Decadent West? 

Haha, thats just everyone isnt it. Everyone likes fun. Its just different things are fun to different people. "Our music is for people who breathe". "Our music is for people". Etc. My favourite is Another One, but i think Absurd is probably a good jumping off point. Ye might hate it though, and more power to you. 

Now that we’re able to make plans and see each other again, what are you most looking forward to? 

Eh... I think getting away somewhere with my partner. We might go to Shetland soon for a bit. Just being somewhere else will be good after being in our flat for the best part of 2 years. I do like our flat though.  

We’re so excited to hear there’s a new EP on the way later this year! What can we expect from your new stuff?

Its a development I think. Musically its a bit more intricate at points. We try to have you know, middle 8s, bridges, intros, outros. Groundbreaking stuff, I know. But i guess what i mean is that the music isnt just a vehicle for my words anymore. Its a whole thing, every part as important as the rest. In terms of lyrical content its also a lot more inward looking. Thats the consequence of being alone with your thoughts for so long. 

You’re getting ready for a UK tour this November, that must feel like a dream after so long in lockdown. What aspect of playing live have you missed the most?

I'm not sure I have missed it. Thats maybe not the answer you want, and it'll be fun when i do it, but the thought of gigs makes me terrified the now. Confident my whole life and then you're locked inside for 2 years and i come out the other end an anxious mess. I do miss how nice the people who come to our gigs are. Folk say stuff that makes me wanna cry. Knowing you've made someone feel something w my daft words and lyrics is always humbling. So its probably that. 

So we know you’re busy with the new EP and a looming tour, but what else is in store for you in 2021 and beyond? 

God knows. What id like to do is go to Italy with my partner and get really good at making pasta. Not sure how that fits in with touring and albums. But thats what id like. 

Words; Lana Williams

Questions: Kate Relton

Image: Sedona May 

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