Felix and The Sunsets unveiled their newest single, This Will Change, released on January 8, 2021. The band released multiple singles in the past two years, including last year's song, El Cubano.The Scottish rock band's modern Avant-garde music delivered a song filled with optimism. Composing a shortly written poetic piece hits straight to the point, providing a message of trouble times in the 21st Century. Compared to their previous singles, This Will Change is an uplifting song and quite considerably a revolutionary work of art. Felix and the Sunsets, musical sound can be best described. As a present-day, Carlos Santa meets David Zappa. Including experimenting with instrumental sounds such as Afro-Caribbean percussion and Latin Samba.
In the Year 2020, a few musical artists released protest music in response to the tragic death of George Floyd. It was the beginning of a global movement against police brutality. Felix and The Sunsets were among those musicians expressing their full support against bigotry and fascism. A peaceful demonstration at Glasgow Green took place, inspired the band to write lyrics of these historical events, "The streets are flowing, people fill their lungs, with protest songs." The band's lead singer Felix Christie's vocals balance well along with the melody.
The subject itself remains a critical topic, and it says a lot about the type of mindset and creativity process that goes into the band's lyricism. Their instrumental energy and harmonizing sound paired perfectly with Christie's tenor voice. One cannot help listening to the verse-chorus, smooth harmony, and following along with a brilliant electric guitar riff, Santana Style, a compelling performance. Felix and The Sunsets will be releasing a follow-up single with a full four-track EP album on February 26, 2021. All proceeds raised to this song will be donated to the Intercultural Youth Scotland.
Cristabell Fierros
Image: Instagram @sineadshoots
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