Tuesday, November 03, 2020

MEET... Vlure

Glaswegian Punk put on the map by Vlure


When you think of the rising punk scene permeating its way through the music scene in the UK, you think of cities like Dublin, Birmingham or London. With bands like The Murder Capital, Shame, Fontaines D.C. and IDLES coming from these cities.

You now have to have Glasgow in your line of sight too. VLURE are putting the Glasgow back on the map. VLURE are treating up the rules and telling you what these think in spitting distance. Breaking down genre norms and making the music run through your body, firing off your synapses and drawing you in like you a bolted to a chair.

VLURE are made up of Hamish Hutcheson (Frontman), Niall; Conor Goldie (Guitarists), drummer Carol Kriekaard (Drums) and Alex Pearson (Synth). The band was formed through their mutual love for the arts, the blending of arts and sound into their very own take on punk music.

The rising music scene is difficult not to pay attention too, its true Glasgow! Through and through, they are doing what they want and ‘piss off’ if you don’t like it. With a close relationship with Lucia; The Best Boys (another powerhouse Glaswegian band), its hard not to look north for new exciting music.

VLURE have been building a reputation around their energetic live shows and getting the crowd fully involved with the music. Creating a unity flowing through the crowd, with the frontman getting close and personal with the crowd by singing directly into the crowds face.

“People have a reference point when they have seen us and they’re the live shows. We see people’s actual reactions to things as they’re a part of it not because they are reacting the way they think they should.” (Connor Goldie – Glasgow Times)

With only one song out currently; DESIRE available on YouTube. Filmed in Axiom Art; an art space in Glasgow. The band recorded two songs in this space and teased new music very soon. VLURE will be on your watch/listen list after this.


- Elliot Gibson


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