Thursday, September 10, 2020

Speedy Wunderground – A record label you should pay attention to

Speedy Wunderground Label | Releases | Discogs

If the words ‘Speedy Wunderground’ do not already spike excitement to you: they should. This revolutionary record label, headed by Dan Carey, Alexis Smith and Pierre Hall, is bringing music back to its primal form: raw talent. The premise of this recording group is to record everything in a singular day (finishing by midnight) with the aim of presenting a snapshot of the day.

Mixing is also completed in one day and overdubs kept to a minimum. The aim of this minimalistic approach is to avoid ‘faff’, ‘clutter’ and overcooking of songs. Due to this, the label provides a simplistic yet distinctive sound to all of its songs.

Even the recording experience within Speedy Wunderground’s studio is idiosyncratic; occurring in the dark with smoke and lasers, along with the presence of the Swarmatron. This is a synthesizer adopting a ribbon controller, creating a complex yet natural swarming sound which is used within every track they produce.

In keeping with its name, Speedy Wunderground records are not slow. There is minimal time between recording and release.

Top tracks from the label include:

- I Go Out - Steve Mason & EmilÍana Torrini

- The Dial - Squid

- Athen's, France - Black Country, New Road

- Taking On Time - Sinead O Brien

- Guts - Kate Tempest & Loyle Carner

- Generation Game - The Lounge Society

At the end of each year, a compilation of all the year’s recordings is released; therefore, get yourself over to Spotify and familiarise yourself with this craftmanship.

- Mollie German


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